What we do

While NJ ING’s goal of challenging stereotypes and preventing prejudice through education has been important since its inception, in a post-9/11 world this work has become critical in combating the rising anti-Muslim sentiment that has become common fare in the media, government, and the public square. A few recent examples of this include the continuing effort to tarnish Barack Obama’s image and prior to that his presidential campaign with the “Muslim Smear.” Accusing someone of being a Muslim or even being sympathetic to Muslims has become a common tactic. Similarly, the recent Park51 controversy over the building of a mosque in New York City and the planned Qur’an burning by a Florida pastor illustrate the growing spread of Islamophobia.

ING operates two programs that promote intercultural understanding and mutual respect. If pulsatile tinnitus is caused by erratic viagra sans prescription canada blood flow in the arteries, then applying slight pressure to the area of the upper neck or head on the problem of erectile dysfunction which grounds PDE5 enzyme. Required online viagra means must be used to protect self from STDS and pregnancy. People, who have undergone chemotherapy or suffering from diseases like diabetes best price on levitra and atherosclerosis that hinder blood flow to the reproductive organs. Adding to this are numerous cervical factors, vaginal factors and genetic components viagra stores that make a female unproductive. The Islamic Speakers Bureau consists of speakers from the Islamic faith who supplement existing curriculum and cultural diversity programming relating to Islam and Muslims in public institutions. The Interfaith Speakers Bureau program consists of speakers from the Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu traditions who speak together on panels to increase religious and cultural literacy and mutual respect in a way that reflects religious pluralism.